Wednesday, May 4, 2011

So Freaking Important

Disclaimer: If you choose to read this please go to the end. I come off as hostile and itchy at the beginning but I promise to turn it around by the end. Sometimes, I just have to say what’s on my mind folks. Thanks for loving me as me.

S*it ain’t easy

Pardon my French but I just want everyone to know that my life ain’t easy. To steal a fellow volunteer’s words, “I dare you” to give up your sweet "developed" world life. I dare you to say goodbye to your friends, family and dog and move to a place where you know not another living soul. Oh, by the way, we are also going to make sure that you stick out like a sore thumb. I dare you to try to have enough faith in your support system back home that they will call you, write you and send you Thai curry and deodorant (thanks sweet Pablo) on a regular basis to ensure that you won’t forget that you are loved. I dare you to put yourself in a position that is in line with most of the world; you won’t make any money, you won’t have much hope, everyday you work your butt off(literally) and never have much to show for it. Then we are going to throw in wrenches like violence against you and your community, words of hatred and modern day oppression. We will send tourist through your town on buses so they can take pictures of you like you are in the zoo, make assumptions about how you live, and also be so afraid of what “you people” might do that they never stop the bus to 1. Ask permission to take your picture and 2. To introduce themselves and develop a friendship.

You would think I am joking. Actually, you would probably want to cover my mouth and tell me to go back to telling all of the endearing stories about how your neighbors have you rolling on the ground making Michael Jackson “Thriller” videos on your front porch but you cannot silence me. Those stories are living here too and I am going to keep sharing them but I want to make a stand. I want to tell you why those stories are so valuable to me. Every morning, I find myself opening my eyes again despite sometimes telling God the night before that it would be okay if they never opened up again. Every morning, I unlock my 6 (no joke) different security devices and head down the road to help kids believe in themselves. Every morning, I hold my head high and know that the world does not need me giving up hope. The world does not need to me to shut my eyes. The world needs me to take care. The world needs me to not forget about others.

As I write this, I know, more than anything, that “s*it ain’t easy” applies to everyone; regardless of where you live, the color of your skin or the amount of money in your bank account. All we have to do is look into the world and see people hurting. My friend just lost her mother. My friend just got raped. My friend did not eat dinner last night. My friend is going through a divorce and feels alone. My friend is in a relationship and feels alone. My friend has to figure out how to be a parent in this crazy world. My friends are having a hard time. I get it. I am in the boat with you. I have an idea and I hope it works because honestly, I am tired and I am alone and I feel like giving up.

My idea is that we come together.

Seriously, let’s try it. If you are going grocery shopping, invite a friend. If you are watching baseball, invite a friend. Whatever you are doing, stop doing it alone. If it is not possible to share in the moment, then share afterwards. If you are afraid that no one cares, send your story to me. I will listen. By you acknowledging me as a witness, I can acknowledge that what you are doing in the world is pretty darn fantastic. Pick up the phone. Make a two minute call to your friends and family to tell them that you love them.

Being busy should no longer be an excuse. Being busy is going to be the end of us.

I beg this of you.

If you are a parent, make an effort every single day to tell your children that you love them; absolutely. unconditionally.

If you are a friend, take advantage of every moment you have to spend time together.

If you are a family, develop ways to stay together; despite distances and differences.

If you are a human, take responsibility and help someone.

The world needs you right now.

I need you right now.

You are so freaking important it is unbelievable.


  1. Love You Sarah :-) and you almost made me cry!

  2. I love this for a multitude of reasons, but mainly because it's what I have been thinking for the last week. It is so hard to keep a straight face and smile sometimes. Then to convey the struggles to family back home is equally as frustrating. Thanks for this honest account of the daily struggle.

  3. you are not alone, sarah. you are loved and uplifted in prayer and cheered on in silent cheers and smiles from colorado. we love you. we might just have to pass on this post to the students and families and volunteers that we work with. hope that is okay with you. you inspire us both.

    anne (and phil)

  4. Very well put. I totally agree. Sometimes we need a smack in the face to wake up and see what we have. It is so easy to get into a rut and just sit there, sinking deeper. Every human being is special and valuable. We need to take it upon ourselves to reach out and "connect" with others as part of our responsibilities of being human.

    Mary Jo Mahoney

  5. I love you all. Thank you. Thank you!
